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How can I prepare?
Starting your period FAQ

Check out our Feature FAQ created by Dr. Meghan Pike on starting your period with a bleeding disorder and the WeThrive app.

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Starting Your Period - Vanessa Bouskill

Heroixx 19 views February 16, 2022 2:30 pm

In this feature video Vanessa Bouskill, a Nurse Practitioner with the Comprehensive Bleeding Disorders Program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto provides information on menstruation and what you can do with heavy periods.

How can I prepare for my period? What can I do to ensure my period is healthy? Every period is different and unique, just like the individual experiencing it! Use this page to learn about how to prepare for your first period, how to manage your bleeding, treatment options to improve your experience, and ways to ensure your wellbeing throughout. Be sure to check out the sections that feature frequently asked questions, videos and resources. They have all been collected to ensure you find the information you are looking for. Please check back often as it is updated regularly with new, additional resources.


Hosted by leading female professionals in the field, explore these Frequently Asked Questions for questions and answers for your bleeding disorder. FAQs can also be downloaded or printed as a resource for personal use.


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Find all the latest videos from our guest speakers and educational sessions hosted by Herroixx and it’s partners throughout the year.


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Explore various resources relevant to those people just starting their period, including relevant research in the field.


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